Portland muralist Devin Finley and 7 regional graffiti artists completed an expansive mural titled “We are Portland.” In true PacNW style, this mural took several months to complete amid a wet winter season.
Located at SE 7th & Division, the mural features 6 large colorful portraits of Portlanders. This massive full city block mural can be seen from the 99W bridge, greeting viewers as they head into the Central Eastside, and overlooking the Rail Heritage Center.
Also featured prominently on the wall, brightly between each person, a stellar line-up of prominent Portland & Bay Area writers: Other, Nimby, Purge, Twigs, Raskoe, Norse, and Ckos.
Artist Devin Finley with a self-portrait
“We are Portland” is a mural focusing on several portraits, showing our city’s diversity; LGBTQIA+, people of color, various ages and gender identities, folks who are unhoused, and people living with disabilities. I wanted to turn away from the typical skin tones used to represent people, and experiment with an array of other colors. The additional portions of graffiti are a nod to the roots of where I acquired my skill set for this line of work.” – Devin Finley
The west wall features a self-portrait based on a high school photo. Surrounding the portrait are loving graffiti call outs to his daughters Ki and Miko. The next portrait on the south section of the building is Devin’s wife - completing his family tribute.