NUEVA ESPERANZA: Celebrating Community & Resilience
Exterior Mural “Nueva Esperanza” with artist Jose Solis
PSAA helped create an indoor and an outdoor mural celebrating Bienestar’s newest development Nueva Esperanza. Bienestar Oregon is a non-profit that builds housing, hope, and community for the well being of Latinx communities, immigrants, and all families in need. They provide affordable housing as well as an array of services to the community including youth programming.
Bienestar selected acclaimed Portland muralist Jose Solis to create two murals that reflected the community and its surroundings.
“Painting these murals was a very rewarding experience with residents approaching me with a smile and thanking me for doing the painting.” - Jose Solis
The exterior mural is titled ‘Nueva Esperanza’ and captures a beautiful scene with stunning depth. The piece features a Latinx family standing in a field of wildflowers looking out over the Coast Range, draped by a rainbow. Also in the scene are two hummingbirds, a symbolic bird in Mexican culture. Spotting a hummingbird signals that challenging times are over and healing can begin. To others, these tiny fliers are an inspiring sign of hope and good luck.
‘A New Day’ Interior Mural
Inside the main office you will find the mural ‘A New Day.’ This mural glows with warmth and a scene of community. On the left side is a scene with children of many backgrounds playing in a field at sunset. A toucan, native to Central America and South America, can be found in one of the two large trees that are located at each side of the mural. Another culturally significant bird, the Resplendent Quetzal, is seen in all its splendor, spreading its long tail and wings while flying off into the sunset.
As needs and demographics have changed, Bienestar has expanded their scope to assist other immigrant communities in need, including a large group of Somali that have immigrated to the Hillsboro area. Representing this new group of immigrants, a mother can be seen pushing her daughter on a swing in the tree on the right.
Mural Unveiling AND COmmunity celebration
On Friday May 10, 2024 Bienestar unveiled their latest affordable living community Nueva Esperanza. Located in the heart of Hillsboro, the community has housing for 150 families right along the MAX Line and next to Hidden Creek Park. The unveiling celebration featured speakers about the project including Hillsboro Mayor Steve Callaway, and a local resident who told the story of the pride he felt to be able to provide his family with a home and how his daughter finally got her own room and her first pet, a cat.